Ice Cream > Track

Kayle Blackmore
2 min readApr 27, 2018

First of all, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading this.

About a year ago, I was depressed, lonely, and sick. I wrote an article that opened up a conversation, and I was welcomed into open arms by so many people with encouraging comments, texts, and phone calls. I felt the love, and I was inspired. I knew I would overcome this eating disorder. I dreamed of the day where I wouldn’t overexercise. I couldn’t wait to travel and eat whatever I wanted because it sounded delicious. I wanted to think of food as fuel.

Friends, I write you this today with good news.

I graduated from eating disorder therapy!

After a little over a year, my therapist let me go. She may have gotten sick of me, but I think she saw a lot of progress. I am officially one step closer to a full recovery.

Some more good news…

I am not overexercising, I am traveling to Europe in June, and I think of food as fuel most of the time!

I am very proud of myself.

But, it’s not all good news. My outdoor track season got cut short because I am going through some weird sickness/virus. Not competing sucks. I am so excited to see my friends qualify for nationals, break school records, and hit personal bests. But, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous.

I want to go to conference. I want to travel to Alabama for nationals again. Heck, I want to be able to run for more than 30 minutes.

But I am trying to look at this opportunity as a blessing in disguise. In a year, my running career will be over. Forever. What.

So, I get a little peak into the real world. I can focus on different things, like my new job, my classes, or my relationship.

I am not defined by the sport I did in college. I am creative, brave, kind, and intelligent. I am more than my PRs. I just became one step closer to being fully recovered from my eating disorder, so, instead of throwing a fit being frustrated with my current situation, I am going to eat some ice cream. I am going to give my boyfriend the biggest hug I can, give my mom a call, go for a walk, wear that dress I was scared to wear for years, and enjoy the people and things in life I desperately wanted just a little over a year ago.

Life is too short to fixate on the negatives in your life.

Thanks again for reading. Thanks for being rad.



Kayle Blackmore

Runner, recent college graduate, Alaska loving, Oregon living.